Volcanic phenomena between media simplification and the need for a better understanding of human-environment interaction, with particular reference to Italy

AIVULC / Pubblicazioni

Volcanic phenomena between media simplification and the need for a better understanding of human-environment interaction, with particular reference to Italy

Giacomelli L., Scandone R. 

J-Reading 1, 10, 53-70


Correct scientific information is particularly necessary when dealing with hazardous phenomena like volcanic eruptions. Many journalists and even popular media divulgators often use incorrect terms, emphasizing dramatic aspects that are not always necessary, in an attempt to raise public awareness to volcanic phenomena. Often the beneficial aspects of volcanoes are overlooked and there is no understanding of the reason of so frequent human settlements around volcanoes. In this paper we discuss the most widely errors made by generalist media and misunderstanding of volcanic phenomena as well as the unknown beneficial aspects of volcanic activity. We discuss in detail also some poorly known aspects of the excavations of Pompeii which could serve as a tool for understanding volcanic hazard. We report the undocumented loss of volcanological data, that could permit a better understanding of the development of an eruption and suggest behaviour of survival during an explosive one.

Inviato da:
Roberto Scandone
PubAIV-ID-00043 - Articolo in Rivista (Non-Open Access)