Multiple magma recharges over prolonged period ultimately trigger eruptions at Vulcano, Aeolian Islands.
Giuffrida M., Salerno G., Viccaro M.
The compositional heterogeneity of clinopyroxene in products of the 1888-90 eruption at La Fossa of Vulcano has been used to constrain times of the plumbing system reactivation before the eruption. We have also investigated the temporal trend of the SO2...

The Maddaloni/X-6 eruption stands out as one of the major events during the Late Pleistocene at Campi Flegrei
Fernandez G., Costa A., Giaccio B., Natale J., Palladino D.M., Sottili G.
The Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) is among the most productive volcanoes of the Mediterranean area. However, the volcanic history preceding the VEI 7Campanian Ignimbrite eruption (~40 ka) is still poorly constrained. Here, we use a tephra dispersal model...

Sierra Negra, Galápagos: A resurgent-block basaltic caldera
Acocella V., Galetto F., Amelung F., Aguaiza S.
Caldera resurgence is rare at mafic volcanoes. Here we consider the well-exposed resurgence at Sierra Negra caldera (Galápagos) to investigate how resurgence develops at a mafic system. Based on topographic and field analysis, the structure of...

The use of high-resolution satellite topographic data to quantify volcanic activity at Raung volcano (Indonesia) from 2000 to 2021
Galetto F., Lobos-Lillo D., Pritchard M. E.
Quantifying erupted volumes of magma is fundamental to determine the size of eruptions. Pre- and post-eruptive digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from satellite data can quantify erupted volumes, even in remote areas. Here we used bistatic synthetic...

Design of a geological multihazard framework on volcanic islands: case study of the Galapagos islands
Mulas M., Larreta E., Menoscal M., Bravo G., Rosado V., Vaca V., Capa D., Garcés D.
The Galápagos Islands face recurrent natural hazards such as volcanic eruptions, flooding, and seismic activity due to their location in the Pacific Ring of Fire. Climate change has intensified certain climate-related natural hazards, generating...